Thousands Dump Dem Party For The GOP


In the United States, hundreds of Democrats are abruptly changing parties to join Republicans, marking the biggest move of the year. About 40,000 Pennsylvania Democrats have switched parties in advance of the elections that are due to take place this year, according to a shocking finding by the Department of State. Only about 12,000 republican voters, in contrast, have sided with the Democratic party.

Only 173 Republicans in Washington County switched from Republican to Democrat this year, compared to 906 Democrats.

Beth Ann Rosica, a mother from Pennsylvania, made a media statement in response to this. She concurred that the democratic party seemed to care less about the people than they claim, while being a former democrat herself. The citizens of the United States have had enough of the inflation and various crises the country has experienced under a democratic leadership. The myriad measures put in place by the Biden administration have instead resulted in losses since many of them were unsuccessful.

After being a Democrat for 34 years, she stated that after becoming a Republican, her eyes had only recently opened to allow her to see properly. As a real democrat, she had spent the most of her career devoting her time and money to assisting the underprivileged areas. However, she came to the realization that the democratic party was nothing but rhetoric and farce during the coronavirus outbreak.

Endrais Micael, another ex-democrat from an immigrant background, added that the democratic party had let the electorate down.

The Washington County Republican Party’s Dave Ball expressed the opinion that most people were waking up and standing up since they were only Democrats because of their parents.