Poll: Over 40 Percent Say Democrats Accomplished Less Than Expected


Democrats, including President Joe Biden, failed to meet the expectations they set during the 2020 elections, according to just over 40% of respondents in the latest poll from Morning Consult and Politico.

About one-in-three respondents said that Biden and congressional Democrats have accomplished about what they expected, while only one-in-10 said that they accomplished more than was expected.

  • 41% said Democrats in Congress have accomplished less than expected.
  • 42% said Biden has accomplished less than expected.
  • 32% said congressional Democrats have accomplished what was expected.
  • 38% said Biden has accomplished what was expected.
  • 10% said congressional Democrats have accomplished more than expected.
  • 11% said Biden has accomplished more than expected.

John Sides, an author and political sciences professor at Vanderbilt University, told Morning Consult earlier this week that “a bit more good news could be conducive to some improvement in Biden’s approval rating, but obviously there’s not much that Democrats can do directly to bring any of this about. The best they can hope for is that Biden’s approval rating rebounds at least a little.”

Gary Jacobson, a University of California San Diego distinguished emeritus professor of political science, added that “Democrats’ fates are tightly bound to opinions of Biden and it will take a remarkable and unlikely chain of events to bring his ratings back to where Democrats would have a fighting chance to retain the House.”

A poll conducted earlier this month by Morning Consult found that most Democrats, 63%, want Biden to run for reelection, though only 34% of all voters said the same.

Morning Consult surveyed 1,998 registered voters for the poll about Biden’s and congressional Democrats’ accomplishments from Dec. 18-20, 2021, with a margin of error of +/- 2 percentage points.