Illegal Migrants Snap Selfies At Border After Crossing Into US


As the migrant crisis continues to escalate, migrants crossing the southern border into the United States were seen snapping pictures in front of the incomplete border wall.

A pair of migrants were seen taking a selfie while two Border Patrol officials watched after hundreds of migrants along a section of the Yuma border as they waited for buses during a night tour of the Yuma border.

According to Brandon Judd, head of the National Border Patrol Council, the selfies would help the cartels market their services.

Judd also slammed rumors that the Biden administration was providing illegal immigrants with taxpayer-funded free smartphones, calling it one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. The phones, according to the Biden administration, are used to follow migrants discharged into the United States.

The head of the National Border Patrol Council said that previous President Trump has issues with illegal immigration as well, but claimed that President Biden’s border policies are assisting cartels in their criminal operations.

Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee Jamie Comer, R-Ky., noted that one of the migrants looked to be carrying a Louis Vuitton bag and claimed the pictures prove migrants aren’t scared to breach the law in the United States.

The trip by the House Oversight Republicans comes after Vice President Joe Biden declared the termination of Trump’s Title 42 policy.

Five Senate Democrats have signed on to a bill that would prolong Title 42 beyond its May deadline, showing intra party opposition to Trump’s border policy.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued the order in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 epidemic, and it has been utilized by both the Trump and Biden administrations to promptly deport the bulk of migrants at the border.

The CDC stated last week that the order will be lifted on May 23, prompting worries on both sides of the aisle, including inside the Biden administration, that it would result in an increase in border migration, on top of the already large numbers seen by Border Patrol each day.