Watch Biden Tell Indian Prime Minister To Avoid American Reporters


It is no secret that Joe Biden is a favorite of liberal media. They made him THEIR CHOICE for the 2020 election and conspired with social media and other powers to get Joe into the White House.

But every now and again, they do grow a little bit of a backbone and start asking semi-tough questions. Although it’s rare, it does happen occasionally. Biden’s answer is to either ignore the question or have his handlers get the reporters out of that room.

Biden taught Modi, the Indian Prime Minister, a lesson on “How to avoid press.” As the reporters poured into the room, Biden was able to give Modi the lesson.

As they sat down, the senile man occupying the Oval Office literally told Modi to avoid American reporters because they won’t ask the questions that Biden wants. Yes, really.

“I think what we’re going to do is bring in the press,” Biden told Modi. “The Indian press is much better behaved than the American press.”

“I think, with your permission, you could not answer questions because they won’t ask any questions on point,” Biden added.


Why do you think Biden is afraid to answer tough questions from reporters?