Watch As Slow Joe Malfunction for a Whopping 15 Seconds


Things have been getting worse. Biden’s brain is melting at an increasing rate, and his senility is becoming more visible, especially when he attempts to talk, even with a teleprompter to assist him.

Even with all of his previous gaffes and errors, his most recent effort and inability to speak properly is possibly his worst ever, as he mutters and mumbles for over a full 15 seconds, attempting to find out how to phrase kleptocracy.

The White House attempted to transcribe that dreadful attempt at a speech:

In addition to this supplemental funding, I’m also sending to Congress a comprehensive package of — that will enhance our underlying effort to accommodate [hold accountable] the Russian oligarchs and make sure we take their — take their ill-begotten gains. Ha, we’re going to “accommodate” them. We’re going to seize their yachts, their luxury homes, and other ill-begotten gains of Putin’s kleptoc- — yeah — kleptocracy and klep- — the guys who are the kleptocracies. (Laughs.) But these are bad guys.

This legislative package strengthens our law enforcement capabilities to seize property linked to Russia’s kleptocracy.

However the transcript lacks the full impact of watching him mumble for a quarter of a minute while attempting to find out how to express a simple phrase, it’s evident that Biden is unable to communicate.

The media may claim that this is just Biden’s childhood stammer and not symptoms of senility.

Neither of those things are related to his early stammer, which he cured decades ago. Rather, he appears to be senile. Stutterers don’t say “accommodate” when they mean “hold accountable,” and they don’t say “developed” when they mean “deployed.” Joe Biden, though, is senile and his brain is dissolving.