Trump Warns ‘Democrat Plan’ Is to ‘Push Our Country Towards Socialism’


Former President Donald Trump on Sunday reiterated his warning that the Democrat spending plan, “if approved at any level, will push our country toward socialism.”

President Joe Biden left Washington, D.C., for his Delaware home Saturday, telling reporters outside the White House, “everybody’s frustrated, it’s part of being in government, being frustrated” as Democrats strained to rescue a scaled-back version of his $3.5 trillion government-overhaul plan and salvage a related public works bill after frantic negotiations failed to produce a deal.

“I hope that the Republicans won’t be so irresponsible as to refuse to raise the debt limit and to filibuster the debt limit,” he added. “That would be totally unconscionable. Never been done before. And so I hope that won’t happen.”

Trump’s statement also came as Republican strategist Chris Christie noted the Biden that defeated progressive challengers in the 2020 Democrat presidential primary has now decided to join them.

“He hasn’t stood up to anyone except for the people in his own party who nominated him,” Christie told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday.

“It’s the death of 2020 Joe Biden, when he went to the Hill – 2020 Joe Biden is now officially dead and buried. The guy who ran against the progressives, ran against Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, ran to be a uniter in this country, ran saying he was going to force compromise. And he went up to Capitol Hill, and he capitulated to the progressives, the liberals in his party.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is still sitting on a vote for the bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that passed the Senate with 10 Republican votes along with all Democrats and two Senate independents. Biden had called for infrastructure to come to his desk along with the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package written by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

Progressives have threatened to vote against infrastructure if Democrats do not capitulate to their demands to the massive social benefits package, which still has not been voted on in the 50-50 split Senate.