Santos Vows To File Ethics Complaints Against Multiple Lawmakers Hours After Expulsion From House

Expelled Congressman VOWS Revenge - Here's What's Comming!


Former New York Republican Representative George Santos has pledged to submit multiple ethics complaints next week against some of his past associates shortly after facing expulsion from Congress through a vote by the House of Representatives.

Through a sequence of social media updates on Friday evening, Santos announced his intention to submit ethics complaints on Monday against four House members—Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., Mike Lawler, R-N.Y., Nick LaLota R-N.Y., and Rob Menendez, D-N.J. The complaints are related to purported campaign finance infractions and questionable stock trading practices, along with other alleged breaches of ethical standards.

Ousted by his House peers in a 311-114 vote on Friday, Santos has not faced a criminal conviction. However, he is currently facing indictment on 23 charges, including wire fraud, identity theft, falsification of records, credit card fraud, and other offenses.

Santos faces allegations of utilizing campaign funds for various high-end items and services, including botox treatments. He has entered a plea of not guilty in response to these accusations.

Regarding the complaint directed at Malliotakis, Santos emphasized that it will give priority to scrutinizing her dubious stock trading activities since becoming a member of the Ways and Means committee in this Congress.

“Let’s talk about hypocrisy. Can someone ask Nicole MalioStockTips when did she become a savant in stock trading? he signature bank trades she did REEKS of insider trading much like Paul Pelosi’s every trade!” he added, referring to the husband of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Before joining the committee the congresswoman didn’t have an active trading habit or a high volume stake. The question is, what set of information is she trading with?” Santo said in an X post.

In response to Santos’ commitment to submit an ethics complaint, Natalie Baldassarre, spokesperson for Malliotakis, stated, “We don’t respond to expelled George Santos because he is a scorned and known serial liar.”

Santos asserts that the complaint against Lawler revolves around the congressman’s involvement in money laundering, achieved by channeling campaign funds through a company in which he holds a stake.

Santos said in another post, “The concerning questions are; is Mr Lawler engaging in laundering money from his campaign to his firm then into his own pocket? I will let the Office of Congressional Ethics be the judge of that.”

Regarding LaLota, Santos raised doubts about whether the New York lawmaker fulfilled his responsibilities at the local board of elections position while he was in law school, questioning if he was a “no-show” during that time.

Disregarding the challenge, Will Kiley, a spokesperson for LaLota, responded to Fox News Digital, stating that George is simply upset because the Congressman possesses three legitimate degrees, whereas he falsely claimed to have only one.

Santos also cast doubt on the connection between Rob Menendez and his father, Senator Bob Menendez, D-N.J., who faces federal charges for his alleged involvement in a bribery scheme. Santos specifically expressed concerns about what Menendez might have been aware of regarding his father’s offenses, posing questions about what information he had and when he became aware of it.

Dismissing Santos’ ultimatum, Michael Zhadanovsky, spokesperson for Menendez, remarked that George Santos is neither a colleague nor a constituent of Rep. Menendez. Therefore, they have no intention of dedicating any effort to responding to his outbursts fueled by Botox-related grievances.

The recent vote by the House, resulting in Santos’ expulsion, marked the first instance of a House lawmaker being expelled in over two decades. The expulsion of a member of Congress requires a two-thirds majority vote. The last occurrence of a House lawmaker being expelled took place more than twenty years ago when the late former Rep. Jim Traficant, D-Ohio, was voted out of Congress in 2002.