Rasmussen Poll: Biden Disapproval Hits New High of 58 Percent


Disapproval of President Joe Biden has reached a high of 58%, while his approval index rating has cratered to a year-long low of negative 29, according to the Rasmussen Reports’ Daily Presidential Tracking Poll.

Just 40% of likely U.S. voters approve of Biden’s job performance, which is also a low point for his first nine months in office.

Just 21% “strongly approve” of the job Biden is doing, while a majority 50% strongly disapprove, which represents the negative 29 in the Presidential Approval Index in the daily presidential tracking poll.

Biden’s trend has shown a decline in each of the past three weekday polls and has shown a precipitous drop since late July and early August. The approval index rating has declined in the past five polls for a week.

Rasmussen surveys 500 likely U.S. voters by telephone and online every night and reports the results on a three-day rolling average basis. The poll of a three-day total of 1,500 likely U.S. voters has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.