Patel: Durham Laying Out Broader Scope of Corruption In 2016


Former prosecutor and chief of staff for the Department of Defense Kash Patel said Sunday the first indictment from special prosecutor John Durham is laying out a broader explanation of corruption in efforts to funnel information to the FBI in 2016.

In an interview on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures,” the sheer length of the 27-page indictment issued last month against cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussman indicated its importance.

“The John Durham indictment against Michael Sussman for lying to the FBI is normally about 2-3 pages long at max,” Patel said. “A 27-page indictment is reserved for those mob-style conspiracy cases or large scale fraud cases that the Department of Justice brings.”

“What I believe John Durham is doing is laying out a sweeping indictment so that the American public can begin to understand what the corruption was and who exactly was involved,” he said.

“What [former FBI Director James Comey] should have been investigating was the collusion links between the Democratic Party, the Hillary Clinton campaign and the [Democratic National Committee] to funnel this information into the FBI, fraudulently so, and now it’s coming to light.”

“America’s finally starting to see the truth of what happened behind this indictment,” he declared.

The indictment against Sussmann claims he lied in 2016 when he said he was not working on behalf of any clients when he turned over to the FBI information on potential communications between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, a Russian bank with alleged ties to the Kremlin.

The indictment also alleges Sussmann was working for the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton at the time.

“The one thing that doesn’t lie is bank records and money records, and that’s what John Durham is basing his conspiracy investigation on because he cited eight other individuals not by name,” Patel said.

“John Durham’s only in his second year of the most political scandal in U.S. history, so I believe in the next six months, look out for indictments for folks like [former Wall Street Journal reporter] Glenn Simpson, [and FBI agents] Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, he said. “I believe they’re cooperating with him. I think you’re going to see these indictments start coming out on the individuals at the top, it’s just going to take a few more months.”

Patel also railed at the disastrous Afghanistan evacuation, and predicted the United States will be forced to return there in a year.

“The Taliban, al-Qaida and ISIS-K are already on the rise,” he said. “It’s what happens when you don’t have a conditions-based withdrawal like we did under [former] President [Donald] Trump. It’s what happens when you don’t keep the brain center of our operation, and it’s going to force us to go back in about a year’s time.”

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