Federal Court Strikes Down Congressional Map In Georgia

DEVASTATING Ruling - Federal Court Strikes It DOWN!


A recent disclosure indicates that the state legislature must adhere to the judge’s directive to redraw districts by December. Republican leaders in Georgia have expressed their intention to contest the ruling in court. The immediate political consequences remain uncertain, but there is a possibility of the creation of an additional district with a majority Black population in Georgia.

Judge Steve C. Jones, who was appointed during the Obama administration, has mandated that the state legislature must enact a revised map by December 8. The current district boundaries, deemed to diminish the voting influence of Black citizens, have been ruled to violate the federal Voting Rights Act, as per the court decision.

Governor Brian Kemp, a member of the Republican Party, endorsed a proclamation summoning the legislature on November 29 to tackle the issue of redistricting.

In January, a University of Georgia study revealed that during the 2022 midterm elections, there were no reported instances of negative voting experiences by Black voters in Georgia.

As per a survey published in a Georgia-based newspaper, 73% of Black voters expressed having an outstanding voting experience, 23% reported a good experience, 3% indicated a fair experience, and 0% reported a poor experience.

The percentage of Black voters who said their experience was “great” (73%), is the same as the percentage of White voters who said the same (73%).

Less than 1% of the 1,253 respondents stated voting was “bad,” while more than 95% of them said they had a “great” or “good” overall experience. Only 4% of respondents thought voting was “fair.”

Despite several warnings from well-known Democrats that Georgia’s Election Integrity Act of 2021 would restrict the votes of racial minorities, voting in the state went off without a hitch.

In 2022, the survey was carried out from November 13 until December 6, the day of the runoff election.