Conservative Californian Larry Elder Joins the GOP Race

He's RUNNING In 2024 - As A Republican!


The upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election is becoming more competitive as additional candidates declare their intentions to run. As of April 2023, there are more Republicans than Democrats on the potential candidate list, but it’s still early in the process.

Larry Elder, a radio personality from California, has recently announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. During an interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News, he made his decision public.

Larry Elder, a well-known conservative who is 70 years old, has been motivated by the military servicemen in his family who have fought to protect the United States. Although he did not enlist in the armed forces, Elder feels a sense of obligation to serve his country in some other capacity. His father served as a marine during World War II and was stationed in Guam for much of his military career.

Elder plans to run for president with a platform centered around bringing a “Golden Age” to America. He credits the country for providing him with opportunities, and he wants to put it on a path to success. Elder is confident that he is the right person for the job and is eager to turn the country around.

Larry Elder is not new to the political scene, having previously run for Governor of California during the 2021 recall election against incumbent Democrat Gavin Newsom. His campaign platform centered around opposing pandemic restrictions, but Newsom won the election, and Elder decided not to challenge him again in the next election. However, he has suggested that he may run for president in the future.

Looking ahead to the 2024 election, Elder anticipates that border security, energy sources, and inflation will be among the critical issues. As an African American, Elder challenges the Democrats’ claim of systemic racism and instead wants to address the breakdown of the nuclear family, particularly the rising trend of children being raised without both parents.