Conservative Blogger Faces Felony Over Assault On Political Operative

Political Operative ASSAULTED - Looks WHO Stands Accused!


A grand jury has charged a right-leaning online writer for allegedly attacking a member of Representative Sheila Jackson Lee’s mayoral campaign team in Houston.

The Harris County District Attorney’s Office has announced that Aubrey Taylor, aged 56, is being charged with a felony for allegedly assaulting an elderly individual. An arrest warrant has been issued for Taylor, who is presently not in police custody.

The purported victim, Gerald Womack, aged 66, works as a real estate agent with an office that also functions as a satellite campaign center for Jackson Lee. Womack asserts that Taylor has intermittently harassed him for close to six months. Allegedly, Taylor appeared at the campaign office and was asked to depart. 

Reportedly, Taylor struck Womack in the face, causing him to stagger backward and briefly lose consciousness. An altercation ensued before Taylor departed. Accounts differ regarding whether Womack sought medical attention, although the police report notes a bump on his head upon the officers’ arrival.

Following his indictment, Taylor’s lawyer initiated a civil lawsuit against Womack, implying that Womack’s version of their encounter was not accurate. As per court records, Taylor visited Womack’s office to hand over a copy of the Houston Business Connections Newspaper when, allegedly, Womack started shouting at him.

Taylor alleges that Womack made a sudden aggressive move, trying to physically push and hit him. Taylor states that he tried to step back, but Womack’s hostility escalated, leading to Womack grabbing Taylor’s tie, resulting in both individuals falling to the ground. Taylor further claims that Womack then seized a heavy metal lamp with sharp edges and swung it at him in an apparent attempt to cause severe harm or even death.

In the lawsuit, Taylor demands a trial by jury and seeks more than $100,000 in damages for the alleged assault. Taylor has consistently criticized Jackson Lee, labeling her as dishonorable and corrupt, and making claims of her involvement in a ballot-harvesting scheme. Authorities are continuing their investigation into the altercation.