Sen. Cotton: ‘Disgraceful’ That Biden Blames Border Patrol for Controversy


It is “disgraceful” that President Joe Biden is blaming Border Patrol horse patrol agents for the tense situation at the border, Sen. Tom Cotton said Friday after Biden’s warning that the agents “will pay” for their actions after photos surfaced of the confrontations between the officers and Haitian immigrants at the Del Rio International Bridge. 

“The Border Patrol has been given an impossible job by this president, who doesn’t want to enforce our border,” the Arkansas Republican said on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom.” “They’re brave men and women in law enforcement and there are plenty of places on our southern border where Border Patrol agents need to use horses to cover large amounts of forbidding terrain.”

He added that it is “disgraceful” for Biden to blame the officers “for his failures to secure our border, and for, in fact, opening our border up.” 

Cotton, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, also on Friday condemned the administration’s characterization of the Taliban as being professional and businesslike while taking control of Afghanistan. 

“I guess they will be very business-like when they execute minor felons and criminals in Afghanistan,” said Cotton. “Anyone who knew how the Taliban behaved back in the 1990s, you don’t have to go back that far. You can see the way that the Taliban have continued to act over the summer and up to Aug. 15th when Kabul fell. They didn’t hide who they were. They were doing exactly the same thing.”

The organization’s officials “may have said a few pleasing words,” said Cotton, but the organization is “who the Taliban always has been and always will be. … This is why it was such a catastrophe to leave behind thousands of American citizens and green card holders and Afghans who served with our troops and their families and why we still have to work to get all those people out.”

He added that it is not apparent what the Biden administration is doing to get the remaining Americans out of Afghanistan. 

“The Biden administration has acknowledged they left behind the vast majority of vetted and approved Afghans who worked with our troops,” he said. “At the same time, they also evacuated apparently thousands of Afghans about whom we know next to nothing who maybe had no particular connection to our troops at all.”