Gallup Poll: Biden Approval Falls to Record Low 43 Percent


President Joe Biden’s approval rating fell to a record low 43% in the latest Gallup Poll published Wednesday.

Biden’s approval is down six points since August and 13 points since June, and his approval is under water for the first time in the poll’s history, as 53% disapprove for a net 10-point disapproval.

The party breakdown of Biden’s approval is held up mostly by Democrats:

  • 90% of Democrats
  • 37% of independents
  • 6% of Republicans

Notably, Gallup found, independent approval has cratered 24 points (from 61%) since Biden took office and 18 points since June (55%). As high as Democratic approval is, the 90% does represent a low from the 98% high when he first took office.

“Biden’s latest approval rating further cements the fact that the honeymoon phase of his presidency is behind him,” Gallup wrote in its bottom line analysis of the results. “Political independents, who were part of the coalition that helped him defeat Trump in 2020, now largely disapprove of the job he is doing as president.

“Though Americans were generally supportive of the U.S. withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the chaotic and deadly way in which it was executed has played into the decrease in Biden’s approval rating. So, too, has the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”

Other polls have shown similar approval ratings. Last week’s Quinnipiac University poll had Biden approval at 42% and 8 points under water, while the Rasmussen Reports poll had him 13 points under water with a 43% approval and 56% disapproval.

Gallup polled 1,005 U.S. adults Sept. 1-17 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.