Chinese Defector Claims COVID Outbreak Was Intentionally Released


An anonymous Chinese whistleblower claims that the first COVID epidemic was intentional and occurred in October 2019 at the Military World Games, Wuhan, China.

Wei Jingsheng, a Chinese defector, believes that the COVID-19 epidemic was deliberate. It was reported by the Military World Games in Wuhan in China in October 2019. China then decided to wait for two months before notifying the rest of the world.

Jingsheng stated that the athletes became sick after the event, but nothing was done.

Check out what the Daily Mail reported:

A whistleblower has sensationally claimed China deliberately spread Covid at a military tournament two months before the rest of the world knew about the deadly virus.

Ex-Chinese Communist Party insider Wei Jingsheng said The World Military Games in October 2019 could have acted as the virus’ first superspreader event.

The international tournament for military athletes was held in Wuhan – the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic – two months before China notified the World Health Organisation about its first cases.

Mr Jingsheng claimed it was no coincidence some of the 9,000 international athletes who gathered for the event reportedly became sick with a mystery illness.

“I thought the Chinese government would take this opportunity to spread the virus during the Military Games, as many foreigners would show up there,” he stated the new Sky News documentary What Really Happened in Wuhan.

According to the whistleblower, he heard about an “unusual exercise” by the Chinese government during the games.

“[I knew] of the possibility of the Chinese government using some strange weapons, including biological weapons, because I knew they were doing experiments of that sort,” he said.

The Daily Mail continues to write:

He said French, German and American athletes were among those to fall ill at the tournament with Covid-like symptoms, but were never tested for the virus.

‘We see some indications in our own data… that there was Covid circulating in the United States as early as early December, possibly earlier than that,’ ex-US State Department Covid-19 investigator David Asher said.

Mr Jingsheng also claims he took his concerns about the unfolding situation to senior figures within the Trump administration in November 2019 but was ignored.

The long-time democracy campaigner, who has served time in prison for ‘counter-revolutionary activities’, said he made the approach as whispers of a ‘new SARS virus’ began circulating on WeChat and other Chinese social media platforms.

‘I felt they were not as concerned as I was, so I tried my best to provide more detail and information,’ he said.

‘They may not believe that a government of a country would do something like that (cover up a virus), so I kept repeating myself in an effort … to persuade them.’

Xi Jinping’s authoritarian regime tried desperately to shut down whistle-blowers and silence any discussion of the virus in the early stages of the Wuhan outbreak – even when an untold number of corpses started flooding the city’s hospitals.

Any references made in social media about a new SARS virus or ‘outbreak’ were censored and brave medical staff who tried to speak out and warn the world were detained and forced to sign false confessions of panic-stirring.

Mr Jingsheng who was exiled to the US years earlier said he was aware of what was happening through Beijing Communist Party insiders who shared their fears about the situation and described the central government cover-up.

But despite the impending health crisis set to devastate the US and the rest of the globe, his message was not being taken seriously, he claims.

The Chinese dissident would not disclose which political leaders he spoke to but insisted they were senior government figures and had the ear of then-President Donald Trump.