Biden Incoherently Rambles About Eggs When Asked About 2024

Brandon Incoherently Rambles About Eggs When Asked About 2024


When a reporter questioned President Joe Biden about his intentions for the impending 2024 election on Sunday at the annual White House Easter Egg Roll event, he babbled incoherently.

Al Roker, a reporter, questioned Biden on if the president was running for reelection after Biden said he would attend several more egg roll events in the future.

“Are you saying that you would be taking part in our upcoming election in 2024?” Roker enquired.

The president’s response was, to put it mildly, unclear.

Biden remarked, “I’ll either be rolling egg or, uh, being the, the gu—you know, the guy who’s pushing them out.”

While Biden’s dubious and unclear remark about rolling eggs is currently generating headlines, the president’s performance at the event last year was considerably worse.

Biden made headlines when he was caught being commanded around by the Easter bunny during the traditional egg roll the year before.

The Easter Bunny even lured the president away from a conversation with reporters about the administration’s Afghanistan mishap in one clip from the 2022 egg roll.

The Biden administration last week unveiled a contentious Afghanistan report that assigned sole responsibility for the tragedy, which regrettably claimed the lives of eleven Americans. Marines were killed during the previous presidency of Donald Trump.