Dem Senator Makes a Disgusting Comment That May Come Back To Hurt Her


One of the things we’ve observed as a byproduct of the radical left’s rage over the Dobbs ruling is their ire directed at crisis pregnancy clinics that provide pregnant women with options and aid. They have been vandalized by radicals who have firebombed and other damaged them.

Now, Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) is targeting the centers rather than defending them from such nasty attacks.

Once more, the Democrats are using the “disinformation” strategy. They are doing everything they can to try and stop it or control it because something is being stated that doesn’t fit the Democratic narrative. You dare to assist women when the only option you are permitted to provide is abortion.

In Nevada, Cortez Masto and Adam Laxalt are locked in a close race. Her lead is only about 1.7 points according to the Real Clear Politics average, and the contest has been back and forth. They are essentially tied statistically.

Laxalt responded to Cortez Masto’s divisive remark.

The Nevada Independent reports that an AARP study revealed that Hispanic voters were defecting from Cortez Masto.

She relied heavily on that bloc for her last victory, so if they start to drift away from her now, she will struggle.

According to pollster Tony Fabrizio, Cortez Masto would lose because of his poor favorability rating, the Republican preference among likely voters, and adverse national factors including high inflation and President Joe Biden’s unpopularity.

Therefore, much like Biden did with his Red Sermon about the MAGA Republicans, it’s possible that she made the comment about abortion to appeal to her leftist audience. She will, however, lose Hispanics and middle-class citizens in the process.