Rasmussen: 44% Say Trump Represents Their Views v. 31% for Biden


Former President Donald Trump reflects the views of likely voters more than President Joe Biden, according to a new national Rasmussen Reports poll.

Of likely voters polled, 44% chose Trump while 31% picked Biden when asked, “Which of the following politicians most represents your political views?”

While 73% of Republican voters say Trump represents their views, only 58% of Democrats feel Biden represents them.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., was cited by 19% as the politician who speaks for them. 

Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 47% say Trump represents their views, 22% say Biden, and 11% say Ocasio-Cortez.

The new national telephone and online survey by conservative Rasmussen Reports finds that 44% of GOP voters say the party’s voters are becoming more conservative than their party’s leadership. A smaller number of Democrats, 39%, say their party’s voters are becoming more liberal than leaders. 

In terms of gender, 31% of men and 30% of women voters say Biden is the politician who most represents their political views, but more men (47%) than women (41%) say Trump is most representative of their views.

Voters ages 40-64 have the highest regard for Trump, with 56% saying he represents their political views, compared to just 26% of this age group who say the same about Biden. More voters under 40 feel more represented by Biden (32%) than Trump (30%), but 20% of young voters also say that Ocasio-Cortez most represents their political views, about three times higher than among older voters.

More Black voters (40%) than whites (28%) or other minorities (34%) say Biden is the politician who most represents their views, according to Rasmussen Reports. Forty-nine percent of whites and 33% of Blacks and other minorities say Trump most represents their political views.

The survey of 1,000 U.S. likely voters was conducted Dec. 9-12, 2021. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. 

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