VP Harris Surpasses Pence in Breaking Tie Votes in Senate


Vice President Kamala Harris cast her 14th and 15th tie-breaking vote in the Senate surpassing her predecessor Mike Pence, who broke 13 ties during his entire term in office, NBC News is reporting.

Under the Constitution, the vice president is also president of the Senate with the power to break a tie vote in the chamber.

On Wednesday, Harris broke a tie in a cloture vote for Rachael Rollins, the nominee to U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, the network news reported. A short time later,  she broke another tie and voted to confirm Rollins.

“Every time I vote, we win,” Harris told NBC News with a laugh.

Fox News noted the Senate is split between 50 Republicans and 48 Democrats. In addition, two independents caucus with the Democrats to create an even split on some votes.

While surpassing Pence on Wednesday, Harris moved into fifth place in tie-breaking votes cast by a vice president. The all-time leader is John Calhoun with 31 tie-breaking votes.. Calhoun was vice president under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, according to The Hill.

NBC News reported that if Harris continues on her pace, she will break over 50 ties before President Joe Biden’s first term ends.

Meanwhile, Biden, who was vice president under Barack Obama, is the only vice president to serve two terms and not break any vote in the Senate.