Trump Vows To Strip Schools of Funding

Trump Vows To STRIP Schools Of These Powers


Donald Trump, a former president, is outlining his program for 2024. He recently made it apparent he will focus on schools as one of his major goals. Specifically, preventing the introduction of critical race theory (CRT) at the college level into the classroom.

One of the primary subjects on Trump’s campaign website is “Protect Parents’ Rights.” The description under the header on his site assures supporters he “fought tirelessly to restore patriotic education” to the American school system while in government.

Additionally, it states that he “secured permanent funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs),” and maintained First Amendment rights on college campuses.

The 45th president continues by pledging to cut off government support to institutions that promote radical civics, critical racial theory, and gender lunacy.

A long-standing academic idea is critical race theory. Its central thesis is that racism has permeated every facet of American society, including the laws and other institutional frameworks. The hypothesis is used by academics to explain differences in the criminal justice system and other governmental functions.

Republicans have charged liberal educators with using the idea in the classroom to instill guilt among White kids over their racial identity. Additionally, they think CRT causes kids to despise themselves. In his state, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has made it illegal.

Along with his pledges to improve education, Trump also asserts on his website that he will protect the border and make America a safer place. He aims to deputize the National Guard and local law police to help cope with the problem near the Southern border.

The website also makes the same pledges he did during his first term to establish a merit-based immigration system that will safeguard American employment.