The Patriot Depot

Trump Endorses Rep. Boebert for Reelection

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday endorsed Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., for reelection in next year’s midterms.

“Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has done a fantastic job in her first term representing Colorado’s Third District. She is a fearless leader, a defender of the America First Agenda, and a fighter against the Loser RINOs and Radical Democrats,” Trump said in a statement released by his Save America joint fundraising committee.

“She will continue to be tough on Crime, strong on Borders, and always protect our under-siege Second Amendment. Lauren has my Complete and Total Endorsement for her reelection!”

Boebert expressed her appreciation to Trump in a tweet Wednesday night.

“I am beyond humbled & honored to receive the endorsement of President Donald J. Trump!” Boebert wrote. “I will ALWAYS stand with the America First agenda & President Trump!”

Boebert’s top challenger, Democrat Colorado state Sen. Kerry Donovan, early last month suspended her campaign after the redistricting map drew her outside of the congresswoman’s 3rd Congressional District.

Trump’s endorsement came a day after the House voted 219-212 along party lines to approve legislation that would establish a new special envoy position at the State Department to monitor and combat Islamophobia worldwide.

The bill, sponsored by progressive Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., followed a spat late last month between Omar and Boebert, who was accused of making Islamophobic remarks suggesting the Minnesota lawmaker could be a terrorist.

Boebert issued an apology “to anyone in the Muslim community I offended with my comment about Rep. Omar.”

The two congresswomen later spoke on a phone call that became heated.

Boebert told The Patriot Depot on Dec. 2 that Omar showed her true character when she hung up on her and rejected her attempt to make amends earlier this week. Omar contended that she ended an “unproductive call.”

“I’ve moved on from this controversy. I made a public statement, I made a personal phone call to Ilhan to make things right, she hung up on me, really showing her character. She rejected my attempt to make amends and ended the call,” Boebert said on ”The Chris Salcedo Show.”

Boebert last month was one of three members elected to the conservative House Freedom Caucus board. She joined Reps. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., and Bob Good, R-Va.

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