The Chief Organizer of Freedom Convoy Has Been Arrested by Trudeau


Chris Barber, one of the Freedom Convoy’s main organizers, was arrested in Ottawa. He is currently being held by authorities and will most likely face criminal charges.

Barber is also one of three protest organizers listed in a class action complaint filed by lawyer Paul Champ on behalf of his client, 21-year-old public servant Zexi Li, in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Barber, along with other convoy organizers Tamara Lich and Benjamin Dichter, are named in the claim.

Barber has reacted to the government of Canada’s aggressive public relations campaign against the Freedom Convoy.

The Canadian government can arrest anyone suspected of opposing government policy under the Emergencies Act, formerly known as the War Measures Act, with or without evidence.

Trudeau stated on Tuesday that he would invoke the Emergencies Act, formerly known as the War Measures Act, which is the equivalent of imposing martial law.

Trudeau stated that the measures would be restricted in scope, reasonable, and proportionate. He also stated that no military personnel will be deployed. Banks can freeze the personal accounts of anyone involved to the Freedom Convoy rallies under the Emergencies Act, which has yet to be ratified by parliament.

It’s all about following the money in this case. Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister, said the goal is to end the financing of these illegal blockades.

The Freedom Convoy had peacefully lifted the last economic siege on Wednesday, following huge concessions from five governments on Covid restrictions: Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Prince Edward Island.

Still, supporters of the Freedom Convoy reported a week-long strike against the requirements, as well as a bank run, on Thursday.