Supervolcano Showing Concerning Patterns, Millions May Be in Danger

Scientists Say MILLIONS Could Be in Danger


The Long Valley Caldera has remained dormant for around 100,000 years; however, some experts express concern that the supervolcano might be approaching a potential eruption. Recent developments suggest possible activity beneath the surface, prompting researchers to closely monitor the California hot spot for indications of increasing hazards. If the volcano were to erupt, millions of people could be in jeopardy.

Long Valley boasts one of the world’s largest calderas, stretching 20 miles in length and 11 miles in width, with depths plunging to 3,000 feet. The area also hosts a geothermal system that gives rise to a succession of hot springs, periodically appearing and subsiding. Recently, residents observed the emergence of a new hot water pool, raising some worries. However, specialists assert that such fluctuations are common along the creek and happen regularly.

During an investigation conducted in 2017, geologists employed a specialized imaging technology known as InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar). This technique utilizes satellites to transmit radar pulses to Earth, generating a comprehensive topography map covering extensive areas. Remarkably, it can detect even minute changes, as small as 1-2 mm, in the terrain, resulting in tens of millions of data points. 

In their documentary titled “Secrets of the Underground,” researchers disclosed the discovery of small pockets of liquid, likely magma, beneath the caldera’s surface. These magma pockets exert pressure, causing the ground above them to rise. While this could suggest potential volcanic activity, the distribution of these pockets is not centralized, indicating that they are not currently accumulating the required pressure for a volcanic eruption, at least for the time being.

Signs of ongoing activity are evident throughout the area, including the emergence of geyser activity in 2006, which persists to the present time. Specialists emphasize the potential devastation of an eruption in the Long Valley Caldera, pointing out that its initial explosion had enough force to propel ash eight miles high, with the fallout reaching over 1,000 miles away. It is worth noting that the Long Valley Caldera is situated less than 40 miles from the much more renowned caldera in Yellowstone.