Rep. Kevin Brady: Democrats ‘Playing Political Games’ With Debt Ceiling


Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, on Sunday blasted Democrats for “playing political games with the debt ceiling” and risking a government shutdown.

In an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Brady, the ranking member on the House Ways and Means Committee, declared the stalemate an “economic and political crisis of the Democrats’ own making.” 

“Right now, they’re attempting to ram through … over $5 trillion of crippling tax hikes and expansion of the welfare,” Brady said, of efforts to push through infrastructure and social program plans of the Biden administration.

“But they’ve also failed to keep the government open, failed to provide disaster relief to Louisiana, and a lot of other states, and of course haven’t raised the debt ceiling,” he continued. “They’ve known this debt ceiling for two years was coming, they never passed a budget, haven’t had a single discussion with Republicans about how we tackle our financial future as a country. And they have the ability to pass this debt ceiling on their own.”

Brady said Democrats will likely only deal with the top-line issues “if they’re forced to.”

“Right now I think they’re more interested in playing political games with the debt ceiling which is wrong, than actually passing it and raising it,” he said.

“I believe we can stop this,  but we can’t do it by ourselves,” he asserted. “The question for the coming week is not about [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi’s [D-Calif.] leadership.”

“This is a test that whether there are moderate Democrats left in the House, who will fight for their local small businesses and for American workers. That’s the real key,” Brady said.

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