The Patriot Depot

Quinnipiac Poll Finds Biden Job Approval Down to 38 Percent

A majority of voters disapprove of President Joe Biden’s job performance — a downward spiral fueled mostly by dwindling support among independents, a new poll showed.

The Quinnipiac University survey found 38% approve of Biden’s job performance, while 53% disapprove. Last month, a Quinnipiac poll showed 42% approved and 50% disapproved.

More than half of Americans — 55% — say the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.

The drop reflects a sharp loss of support among independents.

In a breakdown by party, 94% of Republicans disapprove of the job Biden’s doing, and 60% of independents give him a thumbs down. But 80% of Democrats approve of his job performance.

In September, the poll found 52% of independents gave Biden poor marks.

Here’s an approval-disapproval breakdown on the issues:

The poll’s margin of error is plus or minus 2.7 percentage points.

The Quinnipiac findings are the latest instance of a poll showing Biden’s approval rating sinking, particularly among independents.

A Gallup poll last week found Biden’s approval rating among independents falling to 37%, the lowest it has been since Biden took office, and slipping 24 points below his 61% approval rating at the beginning of his administration. 

An Associated Press poll released last Friday found Biden’s approval rating among independents had dropped from 62% in July to 38% in September. That poll put Biden’s overall approval rating at 50%, down from 54% in August. 

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