Nancy Pelosi Departs Position After Raising Pay for House Staff to $212,000

Pelosi's Final Move - Raises Staff Pay Before Leaving Office


Pelosi issued a directive earlier this year raising the pay rate from $199,300 to $203,700. She also set the minimum salary for House staff at $45,000 per year.

Pelosi defended her actions, claiming that they would help Congress retain quality employees who might otherwise seek outside opportunities from private employers.

There were no rules requiring House staffers to be paid a certain amount until now. House offices were allowed to negotiate individual staff pay. Senior staffers can now earn more money per year than their legislators, who are paid $174,000 per year.

Pelosi stated in May that the initiative to raise the pay rate was intended to increase the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives among the staff.

According to a study conducted by the Congressional Progressive Staff Association, 47 percent of congressional employees struggle to make ends meet and frequently look for ways to supplement their income.

Pelosi is preparing to leave D.C. after being caught bragging about the Democrats’ massive spending bill, which President Joe Biden just signed from his luxurious St. Croix vacation.