Mob of High Schoolers Attack Two Marines

Mob of High Schoolers Attack Two Marines (VIDEO)


A disturbing video has documented a group of around 40 teenagers brutally attacking three off-duty Marines, who claim they had simply requested them to cease setting off fireworks on a beach in California. The video, which has gained widespread attention, depicts the Marines, who were enjoying their Memorial Day weekend break, being pursued by the aggressive mob as they made their way towards San Clemente Pier Bowl on Friday night.

“We told them we were Marines so they would leave — but they didn’t. They just kept going at it,” recounted Hunter Antonino, one of the servicemen who was attacked.

As they ascended a set of stairs, individuals from the group behind them shouted aggressively, instructing them to leave the area. Suddenly, one person from behind approached swiftly and delivered a surprise punch to the serviceman at the back.

Following a momentary pause, the Marine released the object he was holding and swiftly retaliated against his assailant, forcefully knocking him to the ground.

Without delay, the crowd converges upon him, launching uncontrollable punches and hurling verbal insults with intense fury. “Get that f—er! Get that f—er! F–k that f—er up!” 

The targeted Marine and one of his companions find themselves curled up in a defensive fetal position on the ground, their hands and arms shielding their heads, while the mob persists in relentlessly assaulting them through kicks, punches, and stomps.

“What’s good n–ger,” one of the group yelled out, as others screamed “p—ies!” Additionally, the initial assailant who delivered the sucker punch proceeds to douse one of them with a beverage, adding further insult to the already injured servicemen.

The video, lasting close to a minute, depicts the assault coming to a halt only after a man and a woman intervene, urgently shouting at the attackers to cease their actions.

Apart from the servicemen captured in the footage, there was at least one more Marine who was targeted but not visible in the clip.

Initially, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department estimated the involvement of 10 to 30 teenagers and young adults. However, distant footage indicated a significantly larger number, with seemingly no fewer than 40 individuals swarming the men on the beach.

The department made a commitment to thoroughly investigate the attack and ensure that all individuals responsible are identified and prosecuted to the maximum extent permitted by law.

“This is considered an assault with a deadly weapon because of the amount of suspects,” Sgt. Frank Gonzalez said.

Despite the evident brutality of the assault, the victims, who were confirmed to be Marines by the sheriff’s department, declined medical assistance. However, Hunter Antonino expressed concerns to KCAL that he may have sustained a concussion as a result of being “stomped on.”

“My face still has, like, blood all over it. It wasn’t cool at all.”

According to his account, he and his friends, who were taking a break from Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, approached the teenagers and politely requested them to cease setting off fireworks, as a fragment had struck him in the face.