Marine Recruiters Stop California Smash-and-grab Jewelry Heist

Marine Recruiters FOIL Jewelry Heist - Arrest Made!


A recent jewelry theft at a mall in Los Angeles was stopped by US Marine recruiters who tackled two of the four suspects to the ground as they tried to flee.

Two doors down from Daniel’s Jewelers in the Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance, Marine Staff Sgt. Josue Fragoso was meeting with a prospective recruit when he heard glass shattering and piercing screams from onlookers.

Fragoso and his prospective recruit dashed toward the jewelry store, where four masked individuals brandishing hammers and smashing glass cases removing thousands of dollars’ worth of jewels before fleeing.

“I heard a bunch of glass breaking. When I did, my first response was to go check out the jewelry store. I had to make sure everything was all right. As I approached the jewelry store, I saw four individuals that were robbing the store. They had a sledgehammer there.”

Fragoso can be seen pinning one of the suspects to the ground in the broadcast video as the others sprinted for the nearest exit. With the assistance of onlookers, the candidate and a second Marine recruiter were able to capture a second suspect, according to Fragoso.

The two accused, who were both juveniles, were placed under police custody. After finding about 20 pieces of jewelry outside the mall, the Marines brought them back to the shop.

The lads were applauded for acting quickly before police got at the scene by a man who videotaped the heist.

According to Fragoso, he received praise from his superiors for upholding the Marine Corps’ values and handling the issue with dignity and morality.

When the applicant’s paperwork is approved, Fragoso said he will unquestionably enlist.