Italian Police Deliver Beatdown to Transgender After He Attacked Them and Allegedly Exposed Himself to Children

Italian Police Deliver Beatdown to Transgender (VIDEO)


This week, video emerged of Italian police physically restraining a “transgender female” (biological male) who was resisting arrest for, among other things, reportedly exposing himself to youngsters and threatening their lives.

The event reportedly took place on a Wednesday morning at Istituto Comprensivo Casa Del Sole, a primary school in the Trotter Park neighborhood, as reported by Reduxx. The sick guy was eventually identified as a Brazilian, according to local news.

According to reports, the pervert does not legally live in Italy.

According to Reduxx’s report, the suspect stripped down to his underwear in front of the school’s young students and threatened to give them all HIV. It’s common knowledge in the United States at this point that AIDS is terminal and cannot be treated.

According to L’Unione Sarda, the police arrived at the site around 8:15 a.m. They had the man in custody and in the police cruiser in what seemed like no time at all.

Then, things took a surprising turn for the worst. The trans attempted self-mutilation with hair pins and told police he was trying to infect them with HIV. He then faked an injury which led police to stop the vehicle.

According to Reduxx’s reporting, the transgender person attacked the cops and managed a quick escape for a second.

The cops caught up with the trans person and stopped his attempt to escape by striking him with batons and spraying him with pepper spray. The suspect made no attempt to cooperate at any point.


As expected, leftists lost their cool when they saw the police response and tried to spread misinformation.

Giuseppe Sala, the left-leaning mayor of Milan, has placed the courageous police officers under investigation by prosecutors and put them on administrative leave.

Adnkronos reports that far-left Italian MPs are also calling for a review of the case by Italy’s lower house of parliament, the Chamber of Deputies.