Horror moment tourists are catapulted into the air as boat hits WHALE


Three children and two adults were hurt after their guide boat collided with a whale off the coast of Mexico, sending people flying.

A massive Pacific whale pounced from underneath on a speeding Mexican tour boat, sending its occupants flying.

Five visitors were injured in the dramatic surge off the coast of Mexico on Friday, including three youngsters, with three of the party being evacuated to the hospital by the navy.

The massive whale appeared to have thrown the boat into the air after colliding with the big beast lurking just beneath the water’s surface, as seen on video.

The event occurred off the coast of Baja California, a popular tourist destination and a sanctuary for whale watchers from all over the world.

Authorities emphasize that tour vessels must always maintain a safe distance from aquatic wildlife.

The Attorney General is currently looking into reports that the boat was speeding.

The ship’s skipper may have been completely surprised by the severe bump, according to a civil protection officer.

They made the footage public in the hopes of assisting their investigation.

‘The whale rushed up from the water and pushed the boat,’ said spokesperson Benjamin Garcia, ‘with several people falling and receiving injuries.’

A Mexican Navy rescue team responded to the incident and transported the injured passengers to the hospital, according to Mr Garcia.

The boat had just returned from a voyage to the Gulf of California’s Isla Espiritu Santo and was on its way back to La Paz.

It’s unknown which whale species overturned the boat or if it was hurt as a result of the incident.

Whale viewing in the waters surrounding Baja is greatest in the months following December, when humpbacks, blue, orca, sperm, and grey whales have been spotted.

Between December and early April, 2,000 to 3,000 blue whales come to the shallow lagoons to find partners and give birth.

The Baja Bay is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which means whales are safe from large vessels and hunters.