GOP Rep. Gibbs Files 3 Articles of Impeachment Against Biden


House Republicans, led by Rep. Bob Gibbs, R-Ohio, have filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden, citing the border crisis, chaotic and deadly Afghanistan withdrawal, and attempted to break constitutional law on extending the eviction ban.

Reps. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., Brian Babin, R-Texas, and Randy Weber, R-Texas, signed on to the three-pronged complaint — even if the Democrat-controlled House under Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., are sure to ignore it, Gibbs told the Washington Examiner on Tuesday.

And despite Democrats holding only a slim majorities in the House and the Senate, Vice President Kamala Harris can cast a tie-breaking vote in the Senate.

“Obviously, it’s not going to go anywhere with Speaker Pelosi,” Gibbs told the Examiner, adding, but “it shows that there are some Republicans that think that this president needs to be impeached, he needs to be removed from office one way or another.

“At some point, they’re going to be held accountable for their actions, and this is kind of putting them on notice.”

Gibbs recognized the lack of interest among Democrats in holding Biden accountable, but the three articles of impeachment are intended to serve notice to the White House of its missteps under Biden.

“I take this seriously; I don’t think it’s haphazard; I’m not trying to get media attention for myself,” Gibbs told the Examiner. “He’s done so much damage to this country in less than nine months, which is really scary.

“He’s not capable of being commander in chief, and that’s obvious by the actions since Day One when he took the presidency back in January. Maybe something like this makes the White House think twice before they do some of this nonsense.”

Other articles of impeachment have been filed in the House by Republicans that have gone unaddressed, but Gibbs noted his latest one adds the border crisis and the White House’s attempt to extend the eviction ban.

“We actually started working before the Afghanistan debacle because I was so upset,” Gibbs said of the border crisis and eviction moratorium extension.

The border crisis has proved Biden “violated his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of president” by releasing “thousands of migrants who entered the United States illegally without a date to appear in court for immigration,” according to the first article of impeachment.

“If that isn’t violating his oath of office to protect American citizens, our safety, and our welfare, I don’t know what is,” Gibbs told the Examiner.

Also, Biden violated the Constitution’s separation of powers by attempting to extend the federal ban on evictions, “despite the clear warning from the U.S. Supreme Court” and “with no legislative directive from the U.S. Congress,” according to the second article of impeachment.

And according to the third article of impeachment, Biden “failed to act responsibly as commander-in-chief with regard to the withdrawal of United States forces from Afghanistan.”

“Who in their right mind takes troops out before they take out American citizens and our allies?” Gibbs lamented to the Examiner.

Among the past articles of impeachment against Biden that have already been ignored by Pelosi in the House, according to the report:

  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., claimed “abuse of power by enabling bribery” of Hunter Biden on the president’s first day in office.
  • Rep. Greene on the extension of the eviction moratorium, co-sponsored by Reps. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., and Mary Miller, R-Ill.
  • Rep. Greene on the Afghanistan withdrawal.
  • Rep. Weber on Biden’s alleged abuse of power in asking of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to “falsely portray” progress of the Afghan military against Taliban advances in July, just weeks before the Taliban took control of the country without a fight. Reps. Biggs and Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., were co-sponsors.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has not backed any impeachment effort to date, but he has vowed a “day of reckoning” for Biden on Afghanistan.

“We can take up anything that holds accountable for the actions that have been taken, the lies that have been given, the mis-decisions that have put Americans in harm’s way, and the decision to leave Americans behind,” McCarthy said earlier this summer, the Examiner reported.