Former Sen. Perdue Joins Lawsuit Over 2020 Election


Former Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga. has joined a lawsuit claiming that voter fraud in the state’s most populous county affected the 2020 presidential election outcome.

President Joe Biden defeated former President Donald Trump by less than 12,000 votes last November in results certified by Gov. Brian Kemp, R-Ga.

Trump has endorsed Perdue, who is running in the Republican primary to unseat Kemp in next year’s election. The former senator said he never would have certified the November election results until allegations of voter fraud were investigated had he been governor.

“Kemp has been a very weak Governor — the liberals and RINOs have run all over him on Election Integrity, and more,” Trump said in his endorsement of Perdue. “Most importantly, he can’t win because the MAGA base — which is enormous —will never vote for him. We need strong leaders who will fight, and time is running out!”

In the lawsuit filed Friday, Fulton County voter Elizabeth Grace Lennon and Perdue seek to examine paper ballots and other ballot materials in the county. It does not seek to overturn the results of the election, NBC News reported.

“I want to use my position and legal standing to shine light on what I know were serious violations of Georgia law in the Fulton absentee ballot tabulation,” Perdue said in a statement released by lawyers.

“We are asking a judge to consider the evidence after our forensic examination of the absentee ballots is completed and hold those persons responsible who engaged in this wrongful conduct.”

In a statement to The Patriot Depot on Wednesday, Perdue said the “problems in the 2020 election started long before any votes were cast.”

“They started when Brian Kemp caved to [progressive activist] Stacey Abrams and the Democrats, giving them control of our elections,” Perdue told The Patriot Depot.

“Look, this is common sense — any issues should be investigated and audited before an election is certified. Get the answers, then certify. How can you certify something with so many questions around it? Not just in 2020, but in general.”

Perdue has said if he had been in the U.S. Senate on Jan. 6, he would have voted against accepting Georgia’s electoral votes.

The Associated Press reported that Friday’s lawsuit largely was a repeat of one that Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero dismissed in October.

Amero ruled that the plaintiffs, including longtime Georgia election systems critic Garland Favorito, hadn’t alleged a “particularized injury” and thus didn’t have standing to sue. Favorito and other plaintiffs are appealing that dismissal.

Lennon and Perdue, saying they have the standing to pursue claims that state constitutional rights to equal protection and due process had been violated, requested that their suit be assigned to Amero, AP reported.