Biden to Consider Ceasefire Negotiations Under One Big Condition

Biden Willing to TALK? One BIG Stipulation!


The conflict between Israel and Hamas persists more than a fortnight after the terrorist incident that triggered it. There are presently American hostages and U.S. citizens residing in or visiting Gaza. This, in conjunction with the increasing number of civilian casualties, has prompted calls for a halt in hostilities. President Joe Biden recently declined to endorse an immediate ceasefire but left the possibility open for consideration.

On Monday, October 23, President Biden informed reporters that he would not endorse a cessation of hostilities until all the hostages in Gaza were released. Nevertheless, the president’s statements marked a departure from his previous stance as they left room for reconsideration. 

His remarks came in the midst of growing pressure from members of his own party to urge the Middle Eastern nation to declare a ceasefire. Israel has been resolute in its position, insisting on continuing its military operations in Gaza until Hamas is completely eradicated.

In the past, the president expressed unwavering support for Israel and its decisions following a sneak attack by Hamas that resulted in the loss of hundreds of innocent Israeli lives. While President Biden indicated a willingness to engage in negotiations, State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller firmly ruled out that possibility.

Regarding the prospect of a ceasefire, Miller stated that such a move would merely offer Hamas the opportunity to rest, regroup, and continue their acts of terrorism against Israel. 

He further emphasized the rationale behind Israel’s reluctance to accept a ceasefire, which makes sense given the severity of the terrorist attack they have endured, and this stance would likely be shared by any nation that has suffered a similar brutal terrorist assault.

As per a recent survey conducted by Data for Progress and made public on October 20, 66% of American voters support the notion that the United States should advocate for a ceasefire and the reduction of hostilities in Gaza. They believe the U.S. should utilize its strong diplomatic ties with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to prevent further civilian casualties. Nevertheless, at present, the conflict between the two parties persists.