Biden Admin Secretly Flew In More Than 320K Illegals

320K Illegals SECRETLY Flown In!


A lawsuit filed under the Freedom of Information Act has uncovered that President Joe Biden covertly transported 320,000 undocumented immigrants into the nation, possibly to obscure the true tally of illegal migrant entries. Such revelation, though unprecedented for past administrations, hardly raises eyebrows in the context of the Biden Administration’s apparent disinterest in safeguarding the country’s borders, and rather, its inclination towards policies perceived to undermine border security efforts.

As per the FOIA lawsuit, U.S. Customs and Border Protection authorized numerous flights ferrying undocumented immigrants to enter the country via 43 diverse airports, resulting in the dispersal of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants across numerous American cities. A report issued by the Center for Immigration Studies highlighted that the Biden administration has declined to disclose the specific airports to which these illegal immigrants were directed, citing concerns over operational security. 

While the government has labeled this initiative as a family reunification program, it has abstained from providing substantiating evidence for this assertion. Additionally, officials have stated that the program offers a legal pathway to citizenship without presenting any supporting evidence.

Flights were coordinated through the Customs and Border Patrol app, CBP One, catering to migrants from diverse nations such as Guatemala, Honduras, Haiti, Cuba, El Salvador, Nicaragua, among others. Upon arrival, the undocumented immigrants are promptly granted work authorization within the U.S. Mark Morgan, formerly at the helm of Customs and Border Protection, denounced the program as morally unacceptable.

Elon Musk, a vocal critic of President Biden, took to social media to accuse the Biden administration of committing treason by allegedly incentivizing illegal immigration to bolster Democratic electoral prospects. Musk implied a connection between this strategy and the Democratic opposition to Voter ID requirements, suggesting a motive to expand the voter base. He warned that this approach poses a grave national security risk, likening it to a potentially greater threat than the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks.