AOC Slams Fellow Dem, Says He Should Resign



The US Attorney for the Southern District of New York unveiled allegations against Senator Robert “Bob” Menendez (D-NJ) on September 22. Nadine Menendez, the senator’s spouse, is also facing accusations of multiple offenses. A notable Democratic congresswoman, along with several individuals, has urged the legislator to step down from office.

The Menendezes are confronted with accusations of allegedly accepting significant amounts of money in bribes from three New Jersey-based business individuals. According to the Southern District of New York (SDNY), the senator is claimed to have agreed to exert influence on a senior official in the US Department of Agriculture to take steps that might advantage one of the Egyptian businessmen. 

Inside their home, the couple had hidden over $480,000 in cash, stashing it in various locations such as clothing, a safe, and closets.

In a discussion on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), often referred to as AOC, expressed her belief that the senator should step down from his position. She characterized the accusations as highly significant and expressed her view that it would be in the senator’s and Congress’s best interest for him to resign. She further emphasized the importance of consistency, asserting that party affiliation should not be a determining factor.

Governor Phil Murphy (D) of New Jersey, along with numerous representatives from the state’s congressional delegation, have urged him to step down. Senators Sherrod Brown (D) of Ohio and John Fetterman (D) of Pennsylvania have also called for his resignation. 

However, Menendez has stated that he has no intention of resigning and has asserted that he is being unfairly treated due to bias against him as a Latino.

The charges against Menendez might appear familiar to some political observers. This is because it’s not the senator’s initial encounter with legal issues. In 2015, the Department of Justice brought charges of bribery, fraud, and conspiracy against him. He was alleged to have leveraged his position to favor a wealthy businessman, who was subsequently convicted.

During the Democratic lawmaker’s trial, the jury couldn’t reach a verdict, and during the tenure of former President Donald Trump, the DOJ chose not to pursue another trial. When he faced these charges, he also declined calls to resign.