The Patriot Depot

Air Force Denies Woman Medical Exemption Despite Being Allergic to Vax

Despite showing confirmation of an allergy to one of the vaccine’s components, the Air Force has denied a reservist’s medical exemption application to the military’s COVID-19 immunization obligation.

According to a note from a doctor filed to the Air Force this week, the reservist traveled to a clinic in Texas and conducted allergy testing to vaccine components.

“She developed a positive reaction to intradermal testing to Polysorbate, indicating the potential for a significant allergic reaction to future COVID-19 vaccination,” the note stated.

However, the military said a few days later that the request was not granted.

Merrick Garland, Biden’s attorney general, has come under scrutiny for something he penned as a college student in 1976.

This is another another example of cancel culture, but because Garland is a liberal, the left will ignore the issue.

As a college student at Harvard University, President Joe Biden’s attorney general candidate Merrick Garland wrote in a review of a musical that a song about rape was one of the play’s funny group numbers: 

“A combination of factors, however, keep the vocal problems from becoming disastrous. Most important are the Jones-Schmidt songs themselves, simple and engaging melodies with a few tender ballads like “Try to Remember” and some hilarious group numbers like “it Depends on what You Pay,” which provides a shopping list of rapes for sale e.g. “the military rape–it’s done with drums and a great brass band.”

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