Al Sharpton Blasts Senator for Supporting Trump: “So Humiliating”

Sharpton SNAPS - He Went Off!


Some members of the Democratic Party hold the view that minorities should never vote for Republicans. African-Americans who do not support Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election are not truly Black, according to Biden. Now the sole black Republican senator is the focus of Rev. Al Sharpton’s attacks.

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), who has backed Trump in the past, was criticized by Sharpton on January 24. While appearing on “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, the longtime Democrat announced that the former president would be the Republican nominee. He claimed Trump was “demanding people bow to him.”

Sharpton expressed his dismay at Scott’s support for Trump, calling it “humiliating to watch.” He mentioned that he has never felt more embarrassed. When the reverend made his comment, he was alluding to the senator’s decision to endorse Trump at an event. Scott “must really hate” Nikki Haley, Trump said.

The senator told the former president, “I just love you!”

Sharpton said that one time, Scott “wasn’t even on the script; he interrupted Trump to pay homage.” The civil rights leader said he didn’t enjoy watching the senator do that. He claimed that he and others like him battled for Scott to “become high-elected in the south.” Scott was within his rights to support Trump, but Sharpton said he did it in a “humiliating” manner.

It appears that Black males are not rallying behind President Joe Biden this election. He is severely alienating that group and Hispanic voters, according to polls. In particular, he is struggling to connect with minority youth voters. It is Sharpton’s hope that this will change, and that Black voters will return to Biden’s side. He appears to believe that assaulting other Black males is the way to achieve this goal, and he is not alone in this belief.

Jeff Sharlet posted a message on X, formerly Twitter, accusing Scott of “self-abasement” that was “hard to look at.”

Others on the social media platform accused Scott of losing self-respect.