Katie Porter Announces Senate Run Despite Recent Allegations of Workplace Abuse

Dem Congresswoman Announces Senate Run Despite Allegations!


Katie Porter, a Democrat in Congress, declared on Tuesday that she would run for president in 2024. Dianne Feinstein presently holds the California Senate seat.

Porter, 49, claimed in a video announcement posted to Twitter that California needs a fighter in Washington at this time.

“I don’t do Congress the way others often do. I use whatever power I have to speak hard truths to the powers that be, to not just challenge the status quo, but call it out, name names, and demand justice.”

Few weeks had passed since Porter, who represents a large portion of south-central Orange County in California’s 47th congressional district, was accused of managing a toxic office by a former employee. Sasha Georgiades, a former Wounded Warrior Fellow who worked in Porter’s office, charged the congresswoman with using racist slurs and making nasty remarks to her staff in December.

Georgiades added that Porter used racist insults in front of employees and made fun of staff members for disclosing instances of sexual harassment.

Porter chastised Georgiades for giving her Covid-19 in text messages that were made public by the Dear White Staffers Twitter account. In the conversation, Porter reportedly accused Georgiades of disregarding the office’s policy regarding getting tested for the virus as soon as she felt ill.

Georgiades expressed regret to Porter and blamed herself for not acting better. In return, Porter barred Georgiades from entering the office for the remainder of her fellowship.

“Well, you gave me Covid. In 25 months, it took you not following the rules to get me sick,” Porter responded.

Porter, a lawyer, won his first congressional election in 2018. In her announcement video, she made no mention of the 89-year-old Feinstein, but she did state that the US Senate needs new leadership. Feinstein has recently been questioned about memory problems and her capacity to continue serving in the Senate.