CBS Finally Tells the Truth About Hunter Biden Laptop


On Monday, CBS News, which had previously refused to take Hunter Biden’s scandal-plagued laptop seriously, became the most recent corporate media outlet to vouch for its veracity.

The New York Post published the first article about Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020. Since then, mainstream print and broadcast outlets have universally discounted the report as inaccurate and possibly even Russian disinformation. In a startling demonstration of coordination, Twitter and Facebook restricted or prohibited the sharing of a story from the New York Post that was stored in an email on the laptop; Twitter even shut the New York Post out of its account for several weeks.

Since then, it has been verified by other publications, including The New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News, and Politico. This week, CBS joined the club.

Tony Dokoupil, a CBS News reporter, said, “As Republicans take control of the House, Hunter Biden, the president’s son will be a target for investigations and that means data from a laptop purported to belong to Biden could be crucial to the investigatory process. CBS News has obtained its data, not through a third party or political operative, but directly from the source who told us they provided it to the FBI under subpoena. We commissioned an independent forensic review to determine its authenticity.”

Then, CBS News reaffirmed what numerous other news organizations had already reported, claiming there is no proof the laptop was faked or tampered with. The laptop, which has reams of data, emails, and other potentially embarrassing information on the president’s son, was finally deemed real by CBS News, which claimed it did so in order to cut through the noise.

The laptop scandal started in October 2020 when the New York Post published information it had obtained from the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s laptop, including an email from a Ukrainian energy entrepreneur to Biden dated 2015 thanking him for introducing him to his father. At the time of the communication, Joe Biden served as vice president. His son also held a lucrative position on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, which raised suspicions of attempted influence-peddling with his influential father. Additional information obtained from the laptop has questioned Hunter Biden’s connections in international commerce.

The laptop also has a ton of obscene and X-rated pictures and videos of Hunter Biden with various women and doing drugs, as well as vulgar content.