Biden Suggests Elon Musk May Be A Threat To National Security


President Biden demanded on Wednesday that Elon Musk, a billionaire businessman who recently acquired Twitter with the professed intention of reinstating free speech values, be the subject of a federal probe.

“Do you think Elon Musk is a threat to US national security? And should the US — and with the tools you have — investigate his joint acquisition of Twitter with foreign governments, which include the Saudis?”

“I think that Elon Musk’s cooperation and/or technical relationships with other countries is worthy of being looked at. Whether or not he is doing anything inappropriate, I’m not suggesting that. I’m suggesting that it’s worth being looked at,” Biden replied.

When asked “How?”Biden said that there’s a lot of ways but did not offer any further explanation.

Last month, Musk, who also controls the electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla and the aerospace company SpaceX, officially seized control of the social network.

Many Americans immediately made fun of Biden for his comments. Some have argued that Biden poses a much greater threat to national security than Musk.

After Musk grabbed control of the popular social media platform Twitter and pledged to restore free speech for Americans, emotional lefties have fled for the hills.

The majority of Twitter’s income comes from advertisements, but many left-leaning businesses are swiftly withdrawing their financial support.

Many well-known chief marketing officers are really concerned about Twitter. They are collaborating with organizations to develop backup strategies for transferring money away from Twitter.

A few advertisers worry that Mr. Musk would reduce content monitoring, which would increase the amount of problematic content on the platform.