GOP Threatens to Sue NYC Over Decision to Let Noncitizens Vote


The Republican National Committee is raising the possibility of a court fight over New York City’s decision to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections.

The RNC tweeted on Friday: “New York City just decided to let 900k non-citizens vote in city elections. This is an unprecedented attack on election integrity, and we are reviewing our legal options to ensure it doesn’t stand.”

The tweet from the GOP came after the Democrat-controlled city council approved the measure on Thursday.

CNN reported that the legislation permits noncitizens who have been residents of the city for at least 30 days and are legal permanent residents in the U.S. to vote in city elections. The measure also clears the way for green card holders and people with workers permits to vote in city elections, including seats for mayor, public advocate, borough president, and city council.

Councilwoman Ydanis Rodriguez, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic, was the prime sponsor of the legislation. 

“The constitution of New York State and the New York City Charter is a live document that provides the opportunity for us to always look to make it better,” Rodriguez told CNN. “I think that today we were able to make that important change that recognizes the contributions of immigrants.”

The legislation will go into effect in Jan. 2023.

The Associated Press noted that only a potential veto from Mayor Bill de Blasio stood in the way of the measure becoming law. But de Blasio, who has expressed some concerns over the measure, has said he would not veto it.